Man, I have really meant to keep up with this blog, but I have been a little preoccupied with one really cute baby girl of mine :)
I can't believe she will be 11 weeks old this coming Tuesday...time has FLOWN by so quickly.
She has changed so much from birth that I can't even believe it...
- she now smiles AT me, not just because she has pooped and feels better
- she recognizes mommy and daddy
- she is probably 13 pounds by now (her last check up had her at 12lbs 11oz)
- she has rolled from her tummy to her back (at daycare and at home)
- she's in big girl size 2 diapers while at daycare, but cloth diapers still at home
- she slept for over 8 hours last night (so mommy and daddy actually got some legit sleep too)
- she is grasping at my hands and any toys in front of her
- she is cooing
- she cooed a lot (like multiple coos one after another) for the first time on Mother's day (super special 1st mommy's day for me!)
- she's not screaming her head off anymore for hours on end
- mommy and daddy can actually tell what her cries mean now (I'm wet, hungry, tired, etc.)
I feel like she is growing more every day and changing right before my parents saw her the past two weekends in a row and already thought she had changed so much in 1 week...I think they're right!
Here are some photos of my little love bug, Kensington