Thursday, May 19, 2011

And you shall be my squishy!

Meet my new pet...

No, not the wood pile....
Or the tree...
Or the wood fence..

keep looking...

There s/he is!

As of yesterday there is a baby Robin bird that has adopted our backyard...

Maybe more like the porch furniture...s/he has been out there since I got home from work this afternoon.

I was worried yesterday morning when I let my dog out and s/he was perched on a part of our porch banister and my dog sat on the step closest and stared...

Immediately brought the dog dog inside!

So now my squishy fluffy (as I have deemed this bird) now sits perched on our porch table (a small one)...

I totally feel like Dora from "Finding Nemo"...
"I shall call him Squishy and he shall be mine and he shall be my Squishy. Come on, Squishy Come on, little Squishy."

Don't you worry, I have seen momma and/or poppa birdy coming by at least 3 times in the past hour to feed this little tyke! (that would be me staring at my squishy fluffy on commercial breaks or when I don't feel like watching the tv show).

I know one day Squishy Fluffy will be old enough to fly away (although I have seen her/him fly a bit already)...but until then, I am happy to be with a Squishy Fluffy to watch over and amuse me :)

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